10,000+ tutors are already making money with Qlang
We have collected over 1000 courses and a huge database of educational material for students and their questions. Use it!
Do only what you love: searching for students is no longer your concern - leave it to us.
Decide when and how much to teach. We are against time frames and fixed schedules, everything is for your convenience!
Add subjects and your core competencies.
We will get to know you and conduct a short interview.
The lesson takes place on the website in the format of a video call, one-on-one with the student. During the lesson, video and voice are transmitted.
To conduct the lesson, you will need a laptop with a webcam and microphone.
1. Fill out a short questionnaire about yourself
2. Upload a portrait photo of yourself
3. Add information about your education, advanced training, and completed courses.
4. Write a short story about yourself.
5. Complete a short interview with our representative.
After registration, our team will check your profile within 5 business days. Once it is approved, students from all over Kazakhstan will be able to book lessons with you on the Qlang platform.
The entire system is absolutely transparent: in your personal account you will see your current earnings, the number of students, as well as the entire history of accruals and payments for lessons. You can check the details with the support team at any time.
Payment is made monthly until the 10th
Didn't find an answer to your question? Write to us at support@qlang.kz and we will definitely answer you!
Chat with students and work without leaving home.
We will not bother you with unnecessary calls. Only answers to your questions and nothing more